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I really like trindle :o

As I also shared in my review, I think the story is too short at this moment for me to really give proper feedback on it, but I'll try my best.

To start with, I think Trindle is interesting and that there's a lot of potential to show scenes where you gradually get to know her better. I do think there are two things you could improve here, though. First, you could leave certain things a little more mysterious to entice the reader to keep reading. As it stands now, she shares the story of her parents and why she lives alone right away, but you could also consider hiding these things away a little more. Second, ending three does not contain any actual details where you get to know Trindle. It says something along the lines of you starting see more in her and she in you, but does not actually show this interaction. I would recommend that you show this as a conversation between the two characters or that you share the story in exposition afterwards. This is a moment readers will be looking forward to and they should see more of it if you want to make it memorable for them. Perhaps you could share more of her history with monsters or people and also hint at those things earlier on.

Other than that, the art looks clean and well made even without color. I think it could add a lot to the aesthetic if you add some soft colors to give it a little more of a cozy feel. If you want, you can also leave the outside colorless to make the cabin more appealing by comparison.

Lastly, I noticed that you jumped to the same choice menu and then used an if statement to check which label to jump back to. There is nothing wrong with that, especially for a project of limited scope, but in the future you could consider using call statements instead of jump statements for this purpose because they automatically return to the label they were called from when their lines are finished. There should be plenty of documentation on how to do this.

Overall, I'm giving it five stars because I think you did well considering the limited scope. I don't know if you're planning to continue development of this project, but I'm interested to see where it goes if you do.